I'm all ears
Ok, let's be honest, we all know that certain dog treats can leave some of us feeling a bit 'icky'. There are many products we give our dogs that wouldn't sound out of place on our own weekly shopping list: turkey wings, chicken breast, venison, fish fillets....then here are the other ones. The ones that make us feel slightly more uncomfortable: puffed pig snouts, duck necks, turkey necks, duck feet, chicken feet, beef air pipe, hairy cow ears, hairy rabbit ears, hairy goat ears... yep, with that many ears, I hear you!
However, it’s important to remember that these are some of the most natural dog chews and treats of them all! These are what the ancestors of our dogs would have eaten in the wild. The closer it resembles its source, the more likely it is to be the healthier option. Did you know that hairy rabbit ears are one of the best, all around treats for dogs of all ages, breeds and sizes? (for the record I am NOT a dog nutritionist and you should always speak to your vet for feeding advice). Good news for your dog, who probably doesn't get sentimental when it comes to their food, but might benefit from a great range of low fat, high protein, hypoallergenic treats or chews.

Toy Story
Can you make pigs ears look fun? You betcha!
When Vaneeta from Enzo's Pet Pantry contacted me to discuss doing some product photography for her website, I knew it was going to be a quirky brief! I had worked with Vaneeta when she was setting up Enzo's, and we had great fun photographing Enzo, her rather majestic, gentle German Shepherd along with capturing some poignant images of the two of them together, showing their very special relationship. To read more of their story and why she created Enzo's Pet Pantry grab yourself a cuppa and click here
She didn't want run of the mill, predictable or unappealing product shots. The brief was to inject a bit of humour and make them stand out.
Enter Hutch, Lady Baba, Kevin and Francis (Bacon - not related), Deer Prudence, Tank and friends. When you spend time together in a small studio, it's only right you get to know the names of your models.

Tongue in cheek
If you can't have a bit of fun when photographing a turkey's neck, when can you?! Check out Enzo's Pick 'n Mix page for the full range

Do they stack up?
Of course they do!